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Birth Photography from VCU Health Center in Richmond, VA

It is always a huge honor to be allowed into a family's birth space, whether to provide doula support or to document a birth in pictures. Here are some photos that I am so grateful to have permission to share with you. This particular birth was attended by midwives at VCU Medical Center in Richmond, VA. Richmond, VA is very fortunate to have the option of midwifery care in three local hospitals. In addition to VCU, St. Francis and Henrico Doctor's hospital also offer midwifery care. The amazing light show is exclusive to VCU though....

birth photography at MCV Richmond, VA

birth photography Richmond, VA

Notice how the previous images show mom in different positions while she is birthing. Our culture often portrays birth as something to be confined to a bed and it does not have to be that way!

Birth in Richmond, VA

midwife atended birth at vcu

I thought this little owl on mom's foot was cute and I found out later that the big sister had one to match!


birth photography

This is one of my favorite cord-cutting pictures of all time. Also, it may not be apparent from these photos, but the birthing room is kept extremely dim when you have midwifery care for two main reasons. The first is that mom's body will naturally produce relaxer hormones in the dark, and the second, is so that baby's transition earthside will be as gentle as possible.

Another one of my favorites, as mom and baby benefit from skin to skin, mom simultaneously gets a tour of her placenta! You will see this particular image on a Joyful Birth postcard soon, as so many of my favorite things are captured in one image.


birth photographer at VCU

newborn photography

newborn photography

I know!!!! You just want to read that palm and paint those nails!

newborn photography

Alas! The moment everyone has been waiting for... big sister is here!

big sister

waterbirth picture

blue light birth photography

yellow water birth photography

fresh 48 photography in RVA

richmond VA birth

big sister ant VCU in Richmond, VA

VCU midwives

If you have any questions about birth photography please feel free to contact me!

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